One morning in May, I woke up outside in a cardboard box, and had no idea where I was or how I got there. I waited alone, until a kind human at the SPCA in Westchester, found me. I was a little skinny, and I didn't look so hot, but they took me in anyway. They fed me, cleaned me up, removed all my rotten teeth, and gave me all my shots. A few days later, I was up for adoption, and couldn't wait to go to a new home!
A month went by, and nobody asked about me. Turns out that being old, having only 2 teeth and weak knees didn't exactly encourage humans to race over to the shelter. Still, I was hopeful. After a few more weeks, I was finally going home! Even though I was old, skinny, and basically toothless, my new humans thought I was perfect! Now, I've gained a little weight, nap all day on the warm couch next to my humans, and get to show the world just how awesome senior dogs are!
Already TrainedOld dogs are often already house trained, potty trained, and know basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “down.” This is going to save you a ton of time and energy that you’d normally have to sink in training a young pup.
You Get What you SeeOld dogs are fully-grown and mature; this means you know exactly what type of dog you're getting regarding size and temperament, rather than guessing with a puppy.
Won't Destroy your House Because most old dogs have already spent years in a home, and they have less energy, they prefer hanging on the couch with you, rather than chewing your furniture or ripping apart your favorite shoes!
Make GREAT Netflix buddies Old dogs tend to be calmer, less energetic companions. They don't need to be entertained or "tired-out"; they require shorter walks, and that means more you-time!
Get your Pick of the Litter Whether you're looking for a tiny, 3-legged toy mix, or a giant Purebread Irish Wolfhound, you can search until you find a senior with those qualities. If you're looking for a dog-friendly new companion, you can ask the organization for an old dog that is good with other pets. You can pick your ideal pet!
Short-term Commitment This fact is both bitter and sweet. While it will be extremely difficult to part with your companion, they are not the same 10-15 year commitment you have to make when you get a puppy. Even though they are only with you for a short time, they'll love you like they've loved you their whole lives! Trust me- Less time, doesn't mean less love.
So grateful to be advocating for senior pups in the one and only Family Pet!
Mr. CrowleyOld & Rescued
Thank you for visiting my website, and checking out why I think old dogs rock!
If you're interested in adopting an old dog like me, contact one of the organizations below, or reach out to your local animal shelter, and ask about senior dogs! We really do rock!